FC Barcelona’s pre-season 2016/17: first training session at St.George’s Park

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الاسد رونالدو الاسد رونالدو says:

مٌنوريِن بآشآ

Muhamad Tegar Saputra says:

The spirit of barcelona

ardian sad says:

big players doing big exercises! thats the point.

The Angry Spud says:

Those tops are freaking AWESOME!

Alehandra Petrovici says:

Lionel messi? neymar

Росен Симеонов says:


Blader 101 says:

99% of comments are about messi's blond SSJ hair

Papa Yqgue says:

On veu la ligue des champions

IDrinkVodKaEveryDay says:

Arda <3 <3 Haters gonna hate..

Guybrush Good says:

I dont understand what they do, while other teams are breaking his legs in sand, hills and many others sorenessful excercises, they play the crazy ball and , or they dopnt wanna show us "the secret" if you see bayern munich trainings or englands team preseason they really work hard!!

goldfangshawty x says:

can someone tell me why neymar and rakitic are not here

Julius Siza says:

good attemt

King Goro says:

Neymar? where is he?

Terorreturns says:

аахаха месси блондин)

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