Daniel Alves crying celebrations for history second FC Barcelona treble 2015

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daniel alves renewed his contract until 2017 😀


Andranik Abovyan says:

Respect Dani

Behailu Gtsadik says:

Aleveesss Aleveeesss Aleveeeeesssssss

Leo Riveron says:

para mi el mejor lateral del mundo no se por que no negociaron con por 2 año mas

Stevio says:

Watching this as I just read the news about Alves leaving the club. Very sad to hear but I respect his choice. Has given so much to Barcelona, we won't ever forget you Dani 🙁 !!

Mostsfa Alobaide says:

alves ??

Fernando Gonzalez Jr says:

grande danny alves,el mejor defensa lateral derecho del

Fran Gavilan says:

Que grande Dani. Ahi estaba yo en el campo. Y hasta se me saltaron las lagrimas. Pero que bien que te quedaste y que dure!

al7abab says:

el momemnto de la noche as the commentatot said XD
at the end Alves signed for 2 years and he had better offers than Barca but he stayed and its a good choice

ABAmin10 HONEY BUNS says:

Is he living the barca or living the soccer

Lionel NJ says:

Yesss he signed the deal 🙂

hazemhaj says:

He's staying for 2more years!!

moey layth says:

You are not a real barca fan if his tears didnt break your heart 🙁 . Even though it was a perfect season for barca but it was also sad to see the tears of legends like pirlo, xavi and now Daniii 🙁 . The smart move from barca should be loaning Vidal to Seville for one season and keeping alves.

A F A says:

What did he say?

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